Friday 14 February 2014

My Secret to Happiness

Picture by ShimmyShake0
*         *
Do nothing you hate

Yet if you do, Stop and wait

Until everything you do

You love to


Whilst the above holds true for me
It may not hold true for you
it Will not apply to 'Some-others'
it does not apply to Mothers
Who can find their joy 
In relation to the amount of effort and attention put into and onto children 
Whether girl or boy
It's hard work and it must be done, like it or lump it,
Working with children 
and also within yourself,
And with your Self.

Monday 3 February 2014

The Truth about Unity - by Stephen Ross

Image cobbled together by me from images by Nuno Rebelo and Unknown Artist

When an opportunity of unity presents
No impunity from purity so intense
We are all merely one
Undone like the sun
And so truly
And duly 

Don’t hinder it, get used to it,
Be kind to it and to your children.
It to your-selves, it to each pilgrim, 
Yes it, for it…
….it is alone.

Because if you’re not happy within
You’re unhappy without
And without a doubt, that’s for certain

Much love,
St. Eve xx

We Are One